“No one is crazy. They just have different values and information than you. If you had their life experience, you’d probably think the same. The sooner you embrace this, the sooner you can empathize with people you disagree with instead of pretending you’re superior.” -- my favorite thought of these thirty. This may very well be the secret of life, in my book. Thank you for putting this together, it’s very inspiring. It’s interesting how people who think with their head inevitably go back to a few basic principles that you can only appreciate as you age, like slowing down, taking the time, doing one thing at a time, giving your attention to the one in front of you, listening. I also like your view on physical books, vinyls, etc. although I interpret minimalism more as a state of mind to try and do the same with less. Wonderful post, Nat.

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WOW. Lots of wisdom here. I’ll be coming back to this post. Thanks for sharing your insights.

I love the point about time to grow/enjoy a family. I took a risk with that one--my husband and I got married at 19 and we had five kids by age 28--but I’m 30 now and I think it’s safe to say I’m really grateful for that timing. I feel like I have my whole life ahead of me to follow my career dreams...along with the camaraderie of five incredible people I get to pour into (and learn from) every day.

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LOVE this! Thank you.

So many great ideas. Would you mind if I recommended you in my newsletter?

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Thanks Martin! No I would not mind at all :D

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"Host more events. Everyone wants to do more social stuff, but no one wants to organize it. Organize it. It’s not that much work, you’ll be much happier, and you’ll make more friends".

I very much agree with this Nat. 12 years ago I started a monthly live music night, that is still going strong as I write, and I have made so many friends because of it and, hopefully, made a fair amount of people, including myself, happier. It was something I had no real experience of but if you totally throw yourself into something then it usually works out.

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Great lessons here. Especially love embracing the many things you won't do. It takes knowing who you are to get there. And rejecting the goals of society around you. But once you do there's nothing more freeing than saying actually that isn't for me.

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*Host more events.*

I went hard into this kinda on accident. Moved to SF, and started asking people "How do you make friends around here?"... Nobody had a great answer.

So I just started hosting people. This single thing has probably had the biggest impact on my quality of life, and depth of relationships, compared to anything else I do.

Couldn't recommend it highly enough, and its incredibly easy to do.

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Coming to SF tomorrow and would love to attend some of these events if you still hosting!

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So cool! Hosting one tomorrow night!

Email me at zac@startupsocial.org and I’ll send you the invite.

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So damn good

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Hi, Thanks for the amazing lessons.

All of the lessons were wonderful in its own ways.

I have a question on one of the lesson where you say - Don’t open a café. Could you please throw some light upon it. And why do you feel so?

Because this is what I would love to do in the near future.

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I have a whole article on this! https://blog.nateliason.com/p/lose-money-early

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Ah this was probably one of best "x number of lessons" list that I've read! Agree with so many of them but you said it better than I could've.

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Love the pic so much...great reflections!

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Thanks Paul!

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I loved reading this. Fantastic advise.

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great one!

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much wisdom, thank u

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Can you explain what are “Standing Events” and how you organize them?

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Standing events: Wine on the back patio with friends every Friday night, Board Game nights once a month with a group of friends, Tennis every Saturday morning with a group of guys you work with, etc. Establish an "event" that occurs every Week/Month/Year with a group of people who you value or want to get to know!

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Whoa! That was refreshing and enlightening!! Superthanks

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For articles like this I'm a paid subscriber. Happy birthday!

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