I believe the real value in your writing comes from your authenticity and humility not from stylistic flair or anything pompous like that

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Guilty! I have definitely said you were a good write but not really thought much about it. I don't know if you're a good writer, i meant you are a good thinker.

I've seen this in some of the best musicians in the world, can't let go of self doubt even when they are at the very top. Good part is they always keep improving with a passion. It was harmful to those around them on an emotional level.

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absolute love this Nat! I overthink too much (don't all writers do) that I drive myself to a brink of insanity from time to time.

But then it's good to take a step back and see oh I have made progress since my last writing six months, a year before so I am getting better.

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This was fabulous.

I've especially been guilty of romanticizing those who I look up to. Everyone (including the ones who are doing an amazing job) are figuring it out as they go.

Keep enduring and you will succeed.

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Thank you for this post. This describes my feelings that I have since the last few weeks. Just reading this made me feel that I am not alone and probably my worries and fear are all fine. We all are on this journey and all are trying to do better in the capacity we can work at. Thank you once again....

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Absolutely love this Nat. Such a valuable reminder. It helped me a lot. I struggle with this too … except I know my writing isn’t good. It’s still mediocre.

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This is exactly what I needed to read today. Thank you for sharing. You have 33k+ more subscribers than me yet you wrote the same thoughts I've had.

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