Agree with your thesis; replication in the social sciences is an iffy proposition. I believe the 2018 study found replication of 14 of the 28 studies.

As you mentioned, the larger issue is a fundamental misunderstanding of how science works- one interesting study, quoted widely by news organizations, often without context, does not make it some unalterable truth, just the results of one scientific study. Unfortunately, most people don't do well with ambiguity, so to accept that something could be true, but may not be, tends to make people retreat into what fits into their existing worldview. Pattern recognition is a very strong force in people, trying to get them to accept contradictory world views is a tremendous challenge.

Thanks for the article!

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Excellent essay. Despite years of study in academic philosophy, I’ve only recently begun sufficient reflection on the relationship and correlation between health, energy and the good life. The extent to which I’m able to exercise self-control correlates strongly with the amount of energy I possess. Health and the Good Life. Have gone back to the Greeks lately to investigate their explorations of this correlation. This book is worth having a read should you also have an itch for this. John Cooper, Pursuits of Wisdom https://www.amazon.com/Pursuits-Wisdom-Philosophy-Socrates-Plotinus/dp/069115970X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1RDZL5ADH3UJC&keywords=John+Cooper+wisdom&qid=1655817703&sprefix=john+cooper+wisdom%2Caps%2C48&sr=8-1

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